4º E.S.O. Bilingual - Handball

Hi students!
Here you have the different titles to make the video (English) about handball.
You will make this work in pairs preferably . Each pair will choose one title.

Albert Rocas Selección 2013.jpg
Albert Rocas. Image: Carlos Delgado; CC-BY-SA

VIDEO 1: History of handball - the origins of handball
Where, when, who, why?

VIDEO 2: The court
Size, lines, areas

VIDEO 3: The ball
Size, weight, other characteristics

VIDEO 4: Choose one famous player (man) and resume his biography

VIDEO 5: Choose one famous player (woman) and resume her biography

VIDEO 6: Basic rules of handball
* Scoring system
* Length of the game
* Possesion of the ball
* Stopping The Clock (when?)
* Ball Possession After A Player Scores
* Walking
* Double dribble 

VIDEO 7: Basic rules of handball II
* Fouls
* Free-throws
* Penalty-throw
* Handball sanctions
* Throw-ins
* Corners
* Goal-throws

If you need something else, tell me, please.



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